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Welcome to Mirror Mirror Beauty

A place for all offering a range of beauty treatments.


Mirror Mirror began in August 2018, although based within Monmouth it is purposely not in the town centre. This allows a certain amount of privacy as beauty is such a personal treat. 

I work solely and appointments are often pre-booked. This allows me to give full time and care to each individual client. I know how daunting it can be to go into a salon especially if it is your first time.

All Treatments listed are available to all.



About me

My name is Natalie and I have lived and worked in Monmouth all my life.

Beauty Therapy began for me in 2005 at The Royal Forest of Dean College.

There, I spent 2 years achieving full N.V.Q Level's 2 & 3 which covers a range of Beauty treatments.

After my training I spent several years working for a local salon before going out alone.

I like to keep a close eye on current beauty treatments and I am always keen to train in those that clients show an interest in. 

As well as essential Level 2 & 3 treatments covered in college, I also offer Semi-permanent Lash Extensions, Facial Threading, Microdermabrasion, Dermaplaning, Ear piercing... (all of which can be found on the price list page). 

There are other treatments I am trained to do that are not currently listed, so please feel free to contact me about any treatments you may be interested in.  


My favourite treatment to do is Electrolysis. A permanent hair removal, for stubborn, coarse hairs, (more often performed on the lip and chin area) usually caused by an hormonal imbalance (P.C.O.S, Menopause etc)

It really transforms peoples lives and that's what I enjoy most about my job.




So here it is... MIRROR MIRROR BEAUTY.


















...who's the fairest of them all?

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